

TRAIN TRAVELLING TIPS Traveling by train can be far more amusing than traveling by road or air. Road journeys are bumpy and discomforting if it’s a long one. Air travel, on the other hand, is expensive. So, train journeys are affordable, quite comfortable and fun. Here are some guides to remember while on a train …

pediatric bone marrow transplant

Things to look out for in pediatric bone marrow transplant

Bone marrow is nothing but the tender tissue that is found inside the bones. These are responsible for making young blood cells and stem cells in living beings. The patients of leukemia and thalassemia commonly require the bone marrow transplant surgery. Then what is the need for pediatric bone marrow transplant? A pediatric bone marrow …

Eyebrow Routine
Beauty Makeup

Eyebrow Routine

Eyebrows are something I’ve been trying to perfect for a long time and I’ve finally plucked mine into a shape that I’m happy with and found products that work really well for me, so I thought I’d share my routine with you all! 95% of the products I use are from Anastasia Beverly Hills, but …